Senin, 17 Maret 2008



“Mutiara Tanah Jawa”

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“ Only people who make something prosper Allah’s mosques is people who believing in Allah and the ending day, and settled shalat/pray, carry out tithe and not afraid to somebody else except to Allah, so they are people who are hoped include the category people who get guideline”. (QS.At-Taubah : 18)

Like two sides of a coin, talk about Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah (MAJT) can’t free from Masjid Agung Kauman Semarang (The Great Kauman Mosque). Why? MAJT is founded because of Masjid Agung Kauman Semarang. This is the story, Masjid Agung Kauman Semarang on jalan west Alon-Alon Kauman Semarang has mosque riches land(Banda Masjid) broad 119,1270 ha that is manage by Mosque Prosperity Institute ( BKM), the organization is formed by Islamic Affair Corporation (URAIS) Religion Department.

Because of the land 119,1270 ha is not productive, BKM roll exchanged (Ruilslag) to the land 250 ha in Demak regency through PT Tens Indo Tjipto Siswojo. This process was not running smoothly, the land in Demak have become coast, river, grave, etc. Finally Masjid Agung Kauman’s mosque riches land have been lost, because of wicked men and not trusteeship.

By law way from Semarang Country Court to the Jurisdiction of the highest court in this country, Masjid Agung Kauman (BKM) always defeated. Finally , the integrated team is formed that is led by Central Java region National Stability Coordination Association (Bakorstanasda)/ Kodam IV Diponegoro. Once Pangdam IV /Diponegoro is led by Mayjen TNI Mardiyanto (and he became Central Java Governor). The first time this team is led by Colonel Bambang Soediarto, then continued by Colonel Art Slamet Prayitno, The chairman of Badan Kesbang and Linmas, Central Java.

On Friday “Legi”, December 17th 1999, after praying “Jum’at” at Masjid Agung Kauman, thousands of Moslems intended to give pressure to Tjipto Siswoyo, to make him giving the land back to the Mosque. They did long march from Masjid Agung Kauman to Tjipto Siswoyo’s house on jalan Branjangan 22-23 Semarang old city area.

Finally, Tjipto agreed to give certificates of the land to the mosque. Although when he handed over, Tjipto confessed. It wasn’t because of someone’s pressure, but people believe that Tjipto gave the certificates because of the pressure on Friday “legi” December 17th. After that it was formed a team with Col Bambang Soediarto (Kodam IV Diponegoro) as the chairperson and the secretary is Slamet Prayitno ( The chairperson of Badan Kesbang Linmas, Central Java).

I remember well, the person who was very intend, trying to get back the lost “Banda Masjid” land. They were KH.Sahal Mahfudh ( he is the general chairman of MUI), Drs Ali Mufiz MPA (he was the chairperson of Central Java,MUI/ FISIP UNDIP lecturer, Semarang), Drs H Noor Achmad MA ( The member of Central Java DPRD), Drs HM Habib Thoha MA ( General Secretary Of Central Java MUI) and Drs.Drs.HM.Aminuddin Sanwar ( The lecturer of IAIN Walisongo Semarang). Almost everyday they gathered at Central Java MUI office. (Nothern side of Masjid Raya Baiturrahman) Simpang Lima Semarang. While for me as a reporter , I got a job to publish all Moslem’s movements on the way of trying to get back the lost “Banda Masjid” (the mosque riches land) . Alhamdulillah ( thanks God) all the activities could we tape on a book calls “Melacak Banda Masjid yang Hilang”.

Moslem’s movements kept continuing like a welcomed water dipper. Kauman citizen with all the elements kept struggling for getting back the “Banda Masjid”. KH Turmuzi Taslim Al-Hafidz (R.I.P), KH Hanif Ismail Lc, H Hasan Thoha MBA, Ir H Hammad Maksum, H Muhaimmim SSos, etc are some of the names who gave the spirit for the movements. Meanwhile, through the spiritualistic movement’s Drs KH Dzikron Abdullah, KH Amjad Al-Hafidz, KH Kharis Shodaqoh, KH Muhaimin, KH Masruri Mughni, gave the spirits through another way.

Through political way wasn’t also boring. The conversation at Central Java Berlian Building about Banda Masjid was interesting enough. The Assembly at provincial regional chairperson of central Java, H Mardijo was leading the “Paripurna”. Drs H Istajib as through the E commission, Drs KH Achmad Darodji MSi, Dr H Noor Achmad, H Abdul Kadir Karding SPi, Drs H Hisyam Ali, KH Thoyfoer MC, and there were lots of names who all of them gave the spirits, to get back the lost Banda Masjid, Masya Allah, Subhanallah.

From 119,1270 Ha Banda Masjid Agung kauman Semarang which was lost , we’ve just found 69,2 Ha. The climax was on Saturday, July 8th 2000 at the Paripurna’s Assembly at provincial regional of Central Java’s room, at Jl.Pahlawan,Semarang. Tjipto Siswoyo handed over the certificates of 69,2 Ha areas to Pangdam IV Diponegoro/ The chairperson of Central Java Bakostranasda, Mayjend TNI Bibit Waluyo ( The replacement person of Mayjend Mardiyanto) to the Governor of Central Java, Mardiyanto (Replaced H Soewardi).

The Governor of Central Java had a brilliant idea. As a tetenger (sign) of the returned the lost Banda Masjid land, from 69,2 Ha it took 10 Ha ,it was built a mosque at Jalan Gajah Raya, Sambirejo , Gayamsari subdistrict, Semarang. On 28th November 2001 there was a prize question to design of architecture of Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah. The winner was PT Atelier Enam Bandung which is lead by Ir H Achmad Fanani.

On Friday 6th of September 2002 the mininter of religion, Prof Dr KH Said Aqiel Al-Munawar, the general chairperson of central MUI, KH Shahal Mahfudh and the governor of Central Java H Mardiyanto, planted the first pillar to begin the building of Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah. One day before, on Thursday night 5th September 2002, there were 200 Hafidz did “Sema’an Al-Qur’an” (Read Al-Qur’an) and “Asma’ul Husna”. It was led by KH Ahmad Al-Hafidz. At the beginning, it spent 30 billion rupiahs but on the development of the time, it reached 200 billion rupiahs.


Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah is located on Jalan Gajah Raya, Sambirejo, Gayamsari Subdistric, Semarang. ( It is part of Pedurungan subdistric).

If you come from Demak (east). When you arrive at the western side of Genuk bridge , exactly in the T-junction of Trimulyo turn left through Kudu-Bangetayu-through railway track-in the way to jalan Woltermonginsidi, from this street turn right-through jalan Arteri Citarum (Jalan Soekarno Hatta) turn left to Jalan Gajah raya.

You can also from Demak through jalan Kaligawe-before Kaligawe bridge-turn left through Jalan inspeksi kali Banjir Kanal Timur-jalan Sawah Besar-The cross road of Arteri Soekarno Hatta and Jalan Gajah Raya.

If you come from Grobogan (Purwodadi, Gubug) Through Jalan Penggaron-Pedurungan- Jalan Raya Majapahit (Brigjend Soediarto)-Bhayangkara hospital until the cross road of Makro-turn right go into Jalan Gajah Raya or until the T-junction of Pedurungan take the right side go into Jalan Arteri Citarum (Soekarno Hatta)- Jalan Gajah Raya.

If you come from Solo, Magelang, DIY, Banyumas, Kedu, etc (south) until Banyumanik- sukun- on the right side through the free way of Jatingaleh. . After through Tembalang free way- turn right to Kaligawe-Demak. Before go into Muktiharjo free way turn left go into Jalan Majapahit/Brigjend Soediarto- right side of Bhayangkara hospital-Makro T-junction the right side and go into Jalan Gajah Raya. It could be through Srondol track-Gombel-Jatingaleh-Peterongan traditional market-Jalan MT Haryono (Mataram)-Bangkong T-junction-right side- Milo T-junction-Jalan Brigjend Soediarto/Jalan Majapahit, The left Makro T-junction- Jalan Gajah Raya.

If you come from the west (Kendal, Pekalongan, Tegal, Jakarta). From Tugu Muda traffic circle straight to the east Jalan Pandanaran-simpang lima-Jalan Ahmad Yani-Bangkong T-junction-Milo T-junction. Brigjend Soediarto/Jalan Majapahit-Tle left side of Makro T-junction- go into Jalan Gajah Raya. It could be through Tugu Muda traffic circle-Jalan Pemuda (Balai Kota Semarang)- Johar traditional Market- Bubakan- Jurnatan-Jalan Pattimura-Dr Cipto T-juction-Pattimura-Jalan Raya Citarum (Citarum Stadium)-Jalan Arteri Citarum-Masjid Agung Kauman Semarang gas station-Go into the right side to Jalan gajah Raya.


For Running of the wheel of the MAJT organization. On 28th March 2003 The Governor of Central Java H Mardiyanto Published termination letter no 71 2003 about builder formation, Supervisor and the executive of Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah. As the chairperson is Drs H Achmad, The 1st,2nd,3rd Vice are Drs HM Chabib Thoha MA, Drs Ali Mufiz MPA and Drs H Noor Achmad MA. The 1st,2nd,3rd secretary Drs H Muhtarom HM, dr Anung Sugihantono,M.Kes and Drs H Ibnu Djarir. The 1st, 2nd treasurer are Drs H Zubaidi, Ir Nidhom Azhari DiplHE. In the way of this organization Drs H Ali Mufiz MPA and Drs H Djaesar Amit postponed from their duties as organizer corporation.

On March 29th 2006, H Mardiyanto as the governor of Central Java published termination letter no 451.2/19/2006 about pointing to the builder management, the consultant council, supervisor council, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah Organizer period 2006-2009, as a chairperson is Prof Dr H Abdul Djamil MA, Vice is Dr H Noor Achmad MA, The Secretary and the vice are Drs H Agus Fathuddin Yusuf and H Ateng Chozany Miftah SE Msi. The Treasurer and the vice are Hj. Gatyt Sri Chotijah and H Gautama Setiadi. As the chairperson of Takmir sector is Dr H Muhtarom HM and the institusion of developing of effort sector (LPU) is H Hasan Thoha Putra MBA. Be in conformity with termination letter no 451.2/19/2006 The Governor of Central Java published Governor regulation no 18 year 2006 date 7th March 2006 about Organization establishment and builder work system, consultant council, supervisor council, and Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah organizer.

To fund MAJT operational, this mosque is completed with infrastructures and many equipments that can be produces much money. They are convention Hall (auditorium), shouvenir shop, PKL, office space, guest houses, view minarets, parking lots, and Islamic cultural museum. To manage this efforts , LPU Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah was pointing to the third party, it was PT Madani Agung Jaya, The signature of MoU between the chairperson of LPU H Hasan Thoha Putra and the main chairperson of PT MAJ Yustica is done on August 25th 2006 and as a witness is the shairperson MAJT , Prof Dr H Abdul Djamil MA.

On Saturday “Pon”, September 23rd 2006, coincide with the Dugder tradition ritual in MAJT, H Mardiyanto as the governor of Central Java announced officially broadcasted for the first time Radio Dakwah Islam (DAIS) . The radio studio is located in the base of the Al-Husna minaret of MAJT. H Mardiyanto as a governor of Central Java gathered with region secretary H Mardjijono SH, the chairperson of public relation communication and information sector (BIKK) Drs Saman Kadarisman, the shairprson of organizer MAJT Prof Dr H Abdul Djamil MA and the responsible person for broadcasting Radio DAIS Agus Fathuddin yusuf, to broadcast for the first time with “Menyapa Pendengar” in Frequency 107,9 MHz.


If we are asked, what is the speciality of Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah? We have lots of answer. In My opinion, all the details which this mosque has more specials than the detail of other mosques in Indonesia, even in the world. The size of its area is very spectacular (10 Ha). The size of the main building for praying is 7,669 m2. The main building has 2 floors. The first floor for male municipality and the second floor for female municipality. The capacity of the main room is predicted can accept 6000 people. The main building is completed by four minarets, which each minaret has 62 m tall. One of the minaret is also completed with an elevator. It is the minaret which is on the right side of the front (east side). The main dome has unique shape which is made from concrete. And the diameter is 20 meters long.

The style of mosque’s architecture is the combination between Javanese, Middle East (Arabic) and Greek. The middle east style can we see at the dome and the minarets. The Javanese style can we see at the “Tajugan” at the roof under the main dome. While the Greek style can we see at the 25th colosum pillars which is combined with beautiful Arrabic calligraphy.

The philosophy of MAJT project is the appearance and the connection of the development of Islam in our home country’s history. This philosophy is translated on Candrasengkala which is combining in the sentence “Sucining guna gapuraning gusti” meaning Javanese year 1943 and in year 2001. Thay are years of the realization of MAJT project. This Candrasengkala becomes the expression of the real large and beautiful MAJT. The combination between universal or local culture and Islamic culture.

Next, we enter the Mosque’s plaza. In the plaza there is a Banner calls Al Qanathir gate means large and precious. Al-Qanathir gate has 25 pillars as the symbols of Allah’s ambassador as the teachers of Allah’s municipality. At the banner, the sentence of this gate is the calligraphy of Tauhid testimony “Asyhadu Alla Illa Ha Illallah” and Allah’s ambassador testimony “Wa asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rosullullah”. While the sentence at the flat side has Pegon letters say “Sucining guna gapuraning gusti”.

This 7500 meter mosque’s plaza is the extend of the praying room which can accept 10,000 people. It’s completed with six umbrellas which can open or close automatically like masjid Nabawi in Madinah. It says that there are only two mosques in the world which has electric umbrellas like these. The pillar of the umbrellas has 20 meters tall each the radius is about 14 meters.

Inside of the main room’s MAJT there is a giant Al Qur’an (Mushaf Al-Akbar) by religius pupil of pondok pesantren Al Asy’ariyyah Kalibeber, Mojotengah , Wonosobo ( The leader is KH Muntaha Al-Hafidz). It call Mushaf Al-Akbar because it is very large (145 cm x 956 cm).

Inside of the mosque at the north east side , there is also a giant “bedug” by KH Ahmad Sobri, Tinggarjaya, Jatilawang, Purwokerto, Banyumas. This Bedug calls “Bedug IJo” Mangunsari is made at 20 Sya’ban 1424 H. It has 30 meters long and the front and the back’s diameter are 186 cm. The middle circle is 683 cm and it needs 165 nails. “The speciality of this bedug is where is it made, it is Mangunsari, this word comes from Arabic “Maun Syaar” which is said an “angker” tree. The maker is should always have “wudlu” and fasting.

Under the main building there is a place for male / female wudlu. There are 93 water taps for the male and 56 water taps for the female. On the right side of this place there are 50 water taps and on the left side there are 14 water taps. Under the main building thera are also the office of “Badan Pengelola/Organizer corporation”, multy function room, and VIP room which is the direct access to Imam’s room.

The right side of the building is the convention hall (auditorium) which can accept 2,000 people. While the left side of the building is a library which will be a “modern library” (Digital library) and “office space”, the office rooms are rented. And under the plaza of MAJT is the parking lots which can accept 680 cars and 670 motorcycles.

Another attraction of this mosque is Al-Husna towe, It is 99 meters tall, Ittiba’ at Al-Asma’ul Husna number. The bottom of the tower there is a radio DAIS (Dakwah Islam) studio. The second and the third floor are used for a museum of Islamic culture. At the 18th floor the is a Moslem cafĂ© which can spin 360 degrees. And we can enjoying our foods, listening to Islamic songs, we can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of Semarang. At the beginning of Ramadhan 1427 H, for the first time to Rukyatul Hilal frim Central Java Rukyah team is used the modern telescope from BOSCA.

MAJT has four Imams and each Imam is Hafidz 30 juz of Al-Qur’an. They are not only knowing well but also when they are saying Al-Qur’an’s sentences for sholat Maghrib, Isya, and Subuh. Also for sholat Tarawih. They have to say it a song, just like at Masjidil Haram. They are KH Ullil Abshor Al-Hafidz from Jepara, KH Zaenuri Ahmad Al-Hafidz from Salatiga, KH Ahmad Thoha Al-Hafiz from Pekalongan and KH Muhaimin Al-Hafidz. While as muadzins are Muhammad Rokhani, Muhammad Zen, Muhammad yusuf, and Hasanuddin.


This mosque becomes an attraction place for all the people, not only pray to Allah but also use for tour. Look at the weekend, Saturday and Sunday they full fill this mosque. They visit the mosque not only looking for the foods and drinks but also going around the mosque, because there are hundreds of delicious foods and drinks sellers. They order very well inside the little buildings which is executed by institution of developing of effort sector (LPU) of MAJT.

The visitors come every time, they can come in the afternoon, in the evening even at the midnight and at the dawn. They usually come by bus and it can reach hundreds of buses. Official guests also spend their time to visit this mosque, like DPR RI,DPD RI, LEMHANAS, course contestants, etc. It’s amazing.

Some guests from foreign country. For example from Greece, Arabic ambassador, Qatar, United Emirates Arab, Kuwait, Oman, America Latin, the reporter from Zimbabwe, Africa, etc. Even when H Mardiyanto and Ali Mufiz as our governor and vice governor visit other country. They promote Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah as one of the places for Religious tour In Central Java. (REC Risma JT)

Rabu, 27 Februari 2008

The Gaia Mind

Higher Balance®, Institute

The Mind of Gaia is the Matrix.

Do you know what the word Gaia (Guy-a) means?
Gaia is the name of the Earth. It is believed that the Earth is a living organism in
space and the human race acts as the central nervous system of the planet.

Are you the only intelligent thing of your body?

The answer is no. You are an entire universe within yourself! Let's take a closer look.
In your body you have red and white blood cells. White cells will recognize an enemy
of the body (virus or any other foreign body) assess the strength of this enemy, then
call on other white cells to gather, so that enough will engage in an attack to make it
successful. Is this not a form of intelligence, even if only on a small level? Not to
mention the intelligence of the virus: is this not an intelligent living organism, also?
Are you aware that there are millions of arachnid spiders living on the surface of
your skin, choosing their mates, raising children, and battling for territory? Is this
not a form of intelligence? In the saline of your eyes there are thousands of living
creatures (protozoan organisms). These organisms are living, thinking creatures!
Perhaps not as intelligent as you or I, but nonetheless they are intelligent! In each
eyelash you have worm-type creatures that eat, spawn children, live and die with
others of its kind in this space. You are a living universe within yourself: you are not
a singular being, but a complete multi-universe within yourself!

Complete multi-universe within yourself!

Every organism, right down to your cells, is an individual living thing! You are the
god-force in this universe. If we look up electricity in an encyclopedia, you will read
about things like electrons, protons, photons, currents, conductors, insulators and so
on. At the end of 15 chapters or so, it will then say, "Well folks, the truth of the
matter is that we really do not know what electricity is. Everything that you have just
read are actually the best theories we currently have." We have learned to harness
electricity for a multitude of uses but in the end we still do not understand what it
really is.

Your body runs on this electricity, though a better word for it would be energy. This
energy makes your individual body parts move by giving tiny electrical shocks,
creating movement with a precision that had of course taken quite some practice to
perfect (like walking). This energy also gives your heart its beat, tells your lungs to
expand and collapse; every nerve of your body communicates with this energy. Even
your very thoughts are electrons of energy moving from place to place within your
brain. This energy that controls your body is your soul or god-force. Think about it
for a moment.

If you are depressed, cells, being receptive to this energy, can create cancer,
tumors, or just not fight against intruding viruses. Why? Because your soul is what I
call the Force or the god-presence within all of us. Your soul is the Force of this
universe, within your body!
Your soul is the Force of this universe!

What is a ghost or a spirit made of? It is made of energy. This energy inhabits a
vessel because as energy it cannot touch solid objects -- it will simply pass through
them. A soul or spirit cannot smell because it has no nasal glands, it cannot speak
because it has no lungs to propel the sound. So by placing itself within a vessel
(body) it may explore this dimension. (More on the soul later....) Your very life force
within your body is the soul. Understand that the body is a universe to a multitude of
living creatures, that, like ourselves, are receptive to energy!

Returning now to the theory of Gaia (the Earth), we return to the statement that the
human race is the central nervous system of the planet. Have you ever heard the
story about the hundredth monkey? If not, I will explain.

Several people were feeding sweet potatoes (yams) to a group of monkeys. As they
threw the potatoes to the monkeys, they would land in the dirt. As the monkeys
would then begin to eat the potatoes, there was a slight problem. The dirt collect ed
on the potato, so when it was eaten much had to be spit out because the sand got in
the mouth. Only the core of the potato could be eaten. It was observed that after a
baby monkey had dropped a potato in water, it had learned to wash it's potatoes.
Then the mothers learned from the children, and the adult males learned from
the mothers. This process of learning took about a year. Then something amazing

”Collective consciousness-The Matrix revealed”

The population of monkeys that had learned to wash their potatoes was about one
hundred, give or take. Also remember that it took at least a year for a hundred
monkeys to learn this. What happened then was that monkeys throughout the world,
in the wild and in captivity, began to wash their food. This happened within what
appeared to be only several months from the first hundred. This was so incredibly
hard to believe that a group of researchers from around the world gathered, placing
the highest observations together of research on monkeys, and decided to teach the
monkeys how to moisten a stick with moisture from their mouths or other sources
and place this stick in a tree trunk hole. This would attract fire ants to bite the
moisture on the stick. The monkey would then pull the stick out and eat the fire
ants. Under close supervision, the monkeys began to learn from each other through

Eventually a year or so passed, and the hundredth monkey mark was reached, give
or take some. Once again, monkeys all over the world started using moistened twigs
or straws to attract insects.

What I am trying to say through this example is that all species on this planet, land,
sea and sky, serve as a nervous system of sorts for this planet and that the human
race is the most advanced part of this nervous system.

The planet is a living organism in space! All things, whether they are stone, wood, or
steel, are part of a living thing. Someone once said to me that steel never dies and
that it is not alive. Steel is very much alive, although you cannot be ignorant and
gauge its life expectancy by your own. Steel will exist for several hundred years but
it, like us, will deteriorate and return to the earth. It has disease: rust, corrosion and
deterioration through abrasion. The only reason that your arm expands and retracts
is that the brain sends electrons to stimulate the muscle. If not for the electron
stimulation, it would appear lifeless. Heat and cold will also expand and retract steel.
The body, because of the high mineral content in the blood, is very conductive to
energy so it can carry electrical voltage through the nervous system.

You will find that Gaia, the Earth, is rich in these same minerals within its soils.
Crystalline when placed with another at a molecular level will create a third; is this
not a low level form of life? Accepting this, then what is dirt? It is crystalline and
minerals. What is the Earth mostly composed of but minerals and crystalline (sand)!
The Earth is a living creature in space, and we are its central nervous system!

One thing that all astronauts agree on is that when in outer space, looking at the
Earth, they could not recognize the planet as holding their homes, jobs and families.
No more than you greeting each individual living creature within our body! They saw
and experienced the Earth as an individual, having a name and personality-- Gaia.
Imagine extracting blood from your body and holding it in the air. Those cells that
were once part of you, now looking at you, are not seeing billions of other cells, they
are seeing one individual, you. Their universe or reality rests within you, as you are
to the Earth and the Earth to the universe.

Reality rests within you

Visualize seeing an island up close. You can see the trees, fruits, monkeys and birds.
Also, you can see the sand and the people on the beach. You now go on a boat and
head out to sea, and as you move away from the island, it appears smaller and
smaller until eventually you cannot see the details of the island, but you do see what
appears to be a large mountain or a solid object in the distance. Keep this in mind. It
is much like a microscope zooming in and out, or a telescope giving the reverse

Accepting that the Earth is alive, we must now see that all planets are alive to some
level; perhaps not as advanced as the Earth, or perhaps in distant places there are
worlds more developed than Earth. In association with the concept of evolution, you
can compare the concept of human evolution to planetary evolution.

We must now also look at stars, nucleuses, everything as contributing to the
universal body. We know that the Earth is moving away from the sun at a rate of
about an inch a year and that the moon is also moving away from the Earth at about
a half inch a year, establishing that all things are moving outward, expanding or
growing. If we were to move outside of the universes and cosmoses, we would come
to the edge of the multi-universe. Like the tip of a pencil in a parking lot, our
universe is this pencil tip. We exist within it, and what is outside is infinity of empty
space. We now move outward, similar to the island we discussed earlier, and look
back at our universe. We see a shimmering globular structure floating with millions
and millions of sparkles as we move further away and then look back, and it appears
solid. This is God, and the life-force of this being is like our force to all the creatures
within us. This is what I mean by the Force.

Higher Balance® Institute
515 NW. Saltzman RD #726
Portland OR 97229

“Open Your Mind”

KiaiKanjeng Bapak Musiknya Letto

KiaiKanjeng Bapak Musiknya Letto
Ditulis Oleh HM / Progress
Saturday, 22 December 2007

Bagai murid yang sedang menimba ilmu, Sabrang Noe Letto menyodorkan tiga pertanyaan kepada KiaiKanjeng. Pertanyaan itu adalah di manakah letak, apa peran, dan bagaimana perjalanan KiaiKanjeng. Pertanyaan ini diajukan karena Noe merasa KiaiKanjeng adalah bapak musiknya Letto. Mengapa demikian? Karena KiaiKanjenglah yang memperkenalkannya pada musik. Tiga pertanyaan itu bisa dikatakan sebagai tema utama Mocopat Syafaat 17 Desember 2007.
Dengan pertanyaan pertama, Noe ingin tahu di manakah letak KiaiKanjeng dalam konstelasi musik tradisional hingga mutakhir. Untuk pertanyaan kedua, Noe mengibaratkan Indonesia sebagai mahabarata. Maka apa peran KiaiKanjeng, togokkah, semarkah, atau? Sementara ikhwal perjalanan, Noe mengibaratkan perjalanan para Nabi (dari nabi Adam hingga Nabi Muhammad), kira-kira sampai tahap nabi siapakah perjalanan KiaiKanjeng?
Pak Joko Kamto, Pak Novi Budianto, dan Mas Jijid bergantian memberikan jawaban. Sungguh di luar dugaan jawaban mereka sebagai suatu kelompok musik yang telah merambah ke manca negara ini. Pak Joko Kamto mengurai KiaiKanjeng dalam perspektif sejarah (dari sejarah Dipowinatan, Teater Dinasti - musik puisi, dll), dan menyatakan belum terpikir oleh KiaiKanjeng soal letak. Jenis musik pun tidak ngerti, pokoknya ngiringi adegan. Sementara itu peran KiaiKanjeng lebih terletak pada sosialisasi nilai dan peran sebagai media. Adapun dari sisi perjalanan, Kiaikanjeng saat ini lebih berkonsentrasi pada menemani rakyat, mencari kebenaran, dan proses mendekat kepada Allah. Pak Kamto juga menambahkan, "letak KiaiKanjeng: bukan membuat lagu baru dicari maknanya, melainkan maknalah yang melahirkan lagu".
Pak Novi Budianto, yang kerap disebut sebagai pimpinan KiaiKanjeng, malah lebih mengagetkan lagi. "Saya ndak punya hajat bikin kelompok musik, Brang,...jadi orang ngerti yen diarani Bapak musike Letto." Dan ini yang membuat banyak orang tertawa, "mohon do'a biar diberi umur panjang dan kesehatan supaya tahu klimaksnya". Tiga kata terakhir itu yang membuat hadirin tertawa. Lebih jauh Pak Novi menyatakan, "Cak Nun menemani hidup saya...kalau KiaiKanjeng dihubungkan dengan musik sekarang, ra ono hubungane (tidak ada hubungannya: red). Saya nggak pernah merasa pemusik. Musik itu menyeluruh. Tidak harus dengan alat musik. Dalam teater, musik itu bisa rangkaian kata-kata ...maka, derap perjalanan harus tetap dijaga". Sementara itu Mas Jijid lebih filososfis lagi menjelaskan, "kalaupun harus bicara letak, letak KiaiKanjeng itu yang di letak itu sendiri".
Cak Nun pun turut menambahkan seraya mengutip hadis Nabi Saw. "Bada'al islamu ghariba, wa sa yaudu ghariban fa tuba lil ghuroba (Islam itu bermula asing, dan akan berjalan asing, maka beruntunglah orang yang terasing). "KiaiKanjeng itu takut dengan hadis itu, tetapi merasakan kenikmatan sebagai orang yang terasing. Novi Budianto itu lari kalau mau diwawancarai. Dia itu Umbu ke-2.... Novi berbicara "tidak ada letaknya, nggak ada hubungannya dengan musik", dan itu yang dikejar Sabrang, dan itu adalah titik yang tidak bisa diperbandingkan dengan yang lain, karena tak punya letak. Itu jadi paradigma.... KiaiKanjeng bukan orang yang mau pentas, tetapi KiaiKanjeng adalah orang melayani kebutuhan yang dijumpainya.... Analog dengan pekerjaan nabi, KiaiKanjeng pernah jadi Adam, pernah pegang kapak Ibrahim, pernah jadi Nuh, pernah jadi Yunus, dll.... KK tidak pernah punya perjalanan ke dunia. Sudah ke mana-mana kok tidak punya tujuan eksistensi.... Begitu pentas di Komisi Yudisial, tidak latihan, tetapi bisa pentas indah.... La haula wa la quwwata illa billahi.... Jangan cari kekuatan/kekuasaan, carilah Allah, Anda akan dapat kekuatan....".
Usai menjawab pertanyaan Sabrang, KiaiKanjeng mempersembahkan sebuah lagu yang dinyanyikan langsung oleh penyanyinya: Sebelum Cahaya. Kebetulan di lagu ada tertulis lirik: embun pagi yang menemanimu sebelum cahaya. Cak Nun pun bertanya, "embun pagi siapa? Kok lagu ini juga dipakai soundtrack sinetron?". Seorang jamaah pun juga bertanya hal yang sama. Menurut dia lagu yang sedemikian dalam ini, mengapa dipakai soundtrack sinetron yang notabene berisikan cinta ABG.
Kata Sabrang, "lagu ini memiliki banyak ruang. Maknanya bisa kita tidak boleh putus asa, karena ada embun (bisa diganti dengan yang lain), ada banyak teman, tetapi saya kira kita jarang menyadari bahwa ada yang menemani kita. Embun adalah awal kontemplasi, adalah bicara pada diri kita. Dalam hidup tak pernah kita sendiri. Pada tahap ini siapakah teman anda." Cak Nun pun menambahi, "Sabrang membiarkan lirik-liriknya koma, sehingga pas buat industri", disambut tawa para hadirin. Sabrang pun menjelaskan tentang lagunya yang di-soundtrack-kan untuk sinetron, "Masyarakat itu multilevel, ada yang menafsir sesuai levelnya, yang penting file-nya nyangkut di kepala mereka.” Ditambahi lagi oleh Cak Nun bahwa lagu Ilir-ilir itu sebenarnya lagu yang dalam maknanya dan diperuntukkan bagi para pemimpin, tetapi oleh para wali lagu itu dititipkan ke anak-anak sebagai lagu anak-anak. "Yang penting file ada di dia dulu". Cak Nun juga mengatakan, "bukalah website Letto , di sana syair itu tak berpamrih, bisa diisi sendiri oleh pembacanya....".
Hizbut Tahrir Jogja Ikut Menikmati
Selain dinikmati para jamaah dan para tamu lainnya, seperti aliansi LSM Perempuan Jogja yang menyampaikan keprihatinan soal nasib perempuan di Bantul selatan, dialog Sabrang-KiaiKanjeng juga dinikmati oleh tiga orang tamu dari Hizbut Tahrir Jogja. Dalam kesempatan itu, Mas Yoyok dari HT Jogja menyampaikan pandangannya tentang khilafah dalam rangka menyelesaikan masalah di Indonesia. Karena selama ini negara tidak peduli, kata Mas Yoyok. Mas Yoyok juga bercerita bahwa dia juga terinspirasi oleh tulisan-tulisan lama Cak Nun, seperti Slilit Sang Kiai, dan berharap kapan Cak Nun bisa kolaborasi sepanggung dengan HT.
Cak Nun pun mengajak semua hadirin untuk mempelajari logika-logika bernegara, "Kita terbuka pada siapa saja, bukan identitas, tetapi substansi.” Ia mencontoh bahwa di Jatim masih ada masalah lumpur yang begitu rupa, tetapi pada saat yang sama ada pilkada. Gambar-gambar dipajang, sementara korban sedang menderita. "Belum jadi lurah sudah dosa nggak?", tanya Cak Nun, "sedangkan Nabi tersenyum saja, malu digambar. Inilah yang disebut psikologi tasamuh...sampai sejauh itu disconnected".
Setelah itu, Cak Nun menyimpulkan dan meminta penegasan, "Sebenarnya prinsip anda nggak ada yang beda dengan kita.” Namun, Cak Nun menegaskan bahwa secara strategis dia banyak beda dengan HT. Cak Nun mencontohkan HAM. Menurutnya, mestinya yang ada adalah Hak Asasi Tuhan dan wajib asasi Manusia. Atau kalau mau lebih modern/aplikatif, mestinya adalah Hak Asasi Rakyat atau Hak Asasi Warga Negara. "Saya tidak bantah itu HAM, supaya tidak ruwet. Saya titili saja, …saya tidak bicara istilah....". Cak Nun juga berpesan pada tamu HT itu untuk berkonsentrasi pada 50% case, dan 50% lagi kaderisasi. Bang Fauzi Rijal juga menambahkan bahwa Cak Nun itu mengajari orang untuk berperilaku Islami tetapi tak pernah ngajak orang masuk Islam. Cak Nun juga menyatakan perlunya dialog, supaya prinsip yang sama itu bisa lebih hidup dan bisa diterapkan. Dalam bahasa yang indah Cak Nun mengungkapkan, jangan sangka saya orang lain, karena saya tidak menyangka anda orang lain".
Merespons pembicaraan tentang sistem di Indonesia, berdasarkan pengalaman kerjanya, Cak Nun sangsi secara rasional ada ilmu yang bisa mengatasi masalah di Indonesia meski sudah ada sistem. Agak unik, Cak Nun berpendapat bahwa solusi untuk Indonesia adalah Allah nyoblos pada pilpres 2009. Tentu nyoblos-nya Allah tidak sama dengan nyoblosnya manusia. Asumsi Cak Nun sederhana bahwa yang sesungguhnya berhak memilih pemimpin di atas bumi ini adalah Allah. "Maka wiridnya", kata Cak Nun, "Ya Allah nyoblos dong". Hadirin tertawa, tetapi Cak Nun segera mengatakan, "Ini seirus...Karena Allahlah yang akan menggerakkan wacana-wacana....".
Perbincangan Mocopat malam itu makin asyik, penuh ilmu, saling menghargai pendapat, lebih-lebih di awal tadi ada penampilan Pak Sujud Kendang si penarik pajak rumah tangga (PPRT) yang dipandu Pak Ardani dan Mas Jijid dari Kiaikanjeng. Malam itu pula KiaiKanjeng mempersembahkan beberapa lagu, di antaranya, El Albi Ya’saq, Raja Diraja, Allahu Rabbi yang amat khusyuk.

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2008

Surga itu janji-Nya

Ingatkah kamu apa yang pernah Allah janjikan padamu

Selasa, 19 Februari 2008

Ketika cinta itu C I N T A

Ketika cinta itu indah
Mereka mencoba merasakannya

Ketika cinta itu semangat
Mereka mencoba mengobarkannya

Ketika cinta itu pengorbanan
Mereka mencoba memperjuangkannya

Ketika cinta itu penantian
Mereka mencoba menunggunya

Ketika cinta itu isyarat
Mereka mencoba mengartikannya

Ketika cinta itu pintu
Mereka mencoba mengetuknya

Ketika cinta itu menyapa
Mereka mencoba membalasnya

Ketika cinta itu perjalanan
Mereka mencoba menjajakinya

Ketika cinta itu kehidupan
Mereka mencoba menempuhinya

Ketika cinta itu kisah
Mereka mencoba bercerita

Ketika cinta itu nyanyian
Mereka mencoba menyenandungkannya

Ketika cinta itu puisi
Mereka mencoba menyairkannya

Ketika cinta itu sandiwara
Mereka mencoba memainkannya

Ketika cinta itu ungkapan
Mereka coba menyatakannya

Ketika cinta itu semu
Mereka mencoba membuat menjadi nyata

Ketika cinta itu khayalan
Mereka mencoba memimpikannya

Ketika cinta itu impian
Mereka mencoba meraihnya

Ketika cinta itu harapan
Mereka mencoba mewujudkannya

Ketika cinta itu cahaya
Mereka mencoba menyinarkannya

Ketika cinta itu benih
Mereka mencoba memekarkannya

Ketika cinta itu awan
Mereka mencoba menaunginya

Ketika cinta itu angin
Mereka mencoba menghembuskannya

Ketika cinta itu embun
Mereka mencoba menyegarkannya

Ketika cinta itu hujan
Mereka mencoba mengguyurkannya

Ketika cinta itu mentari
Mereka coba menghangatinya

Ketika cinta itu bintang
Mereka mencoba menyinarinya

Ketika cinta itu patung
Mereka mencoba memahatnya

Ketika cinta itu jasad
Mereka mencoba menjadi ruhnya

Ketika cinta itu sayap
Mereka mencoba menerbangkannya

Ketika cinta itu samudra
Mereka mencoba mengarunginya

Ketika cinta itu ruang
Mereka mencoba mengisinya

Ketika cinta itu komitmen
Mereka mencoba menjaganya

Ketika cinta itu batasan
Mereka mencoba melewatinya

Ketika cinta itu hampa
Mereka mencoba memenuhinya

Ketika cinta itu mengekang
Mereka mencoba mempertahankan

Ketika cinta itu jarak
Mereka mencoba mendekatkannya

Ketika cinta itu waktu
Mereka mencoba memanfaatkannya

Ketika cinta itu beku
Mereka mencoba mencairkannya

Ketika cinta itu layu
Mereka mencoba menyiraminya

Ketika cinta itu kegelapan
Mereka mencoba meneranginya

Ketika cinta itu misteri
Mereka mencoba menyelidikinya

Ketika cinta itu patah
Mereka mencoba menyambungkannya

Ketika cinta itu luka
Mereka mencoba menyembuhkannya

Ketika cinta itu airmata
Mereka mencoba mengusapnya

Ketika cinta itu masa lalu
Mereka mencoba mengenangnya

Ketika cinta itu hilang
Mereka mencoba mengikhlaskannya

Ketika cinta itu pilihan
Mereka mencoba memilihnya